Coverage Summary for Class: MoveCommand (Commands)
Class |
Class, %
Method, %
Branch, %
Line, %
Instruction, %
MoveCommand |
package Commands
import Enums.*
import Interfaces.*
class MoveCommand (
actor: Moveable,
direction: Direction
): Command {
private val actor: Moveable = actor;
private var direction: Direction = direction;
// Converting the direction to the opposite direction. Since we have 4 values 0, 1, 2, 3 and the
// difference between the opposites is 2, we can just add 2 and mod by 4 to get the correct value.
// This will allow us to undo our move if we ever need this.
private var oppositeDirection: Direction = Direction.values()[(direction.ordinal + 2) % 4];
//private var _previousX: Double = 0.0;
//private var _previousY: Double = 0.0;
override fun exec() {
//_previousX = actor.getPositionX();
//_previousY = actor.getPositionY();
//actor.move(x, y);
override fun undo() {
val curDirection = direction;
direction = oppositeDirection;
oppositeDirection = curDirection;
//x = _previousX;
//y = _previousY;