
class Player(playerSprites: Array<BitmapSlice<Bitmap>>) : Container, Moveable



Container The view that is the Entities.Player



The image to display for the main Entities.Player


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fun Player(playerSprites: Array<BitmapSlice<Bitmap>>)


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fun __updateChildListenerCount(view: BaseView, add: Boolean)
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fun _setTransform(t: Matrix.Transform)
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fun addChild(view: View)
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fun addChildAt(view: View, index: Int)
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fun addChildren(views: List<View?>?)
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fun <T : Component> addComponent(component: T): T
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inline fun <R : Event> addOnEvent(noinline handler: (R) -> Unit): CloseableCancellable
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fun addOnEventAny(handler: (Event) -> Unit): CloseableCancellable
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fun addProp(key: String, value: Any?)
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fun addProps(values: Map<String, Any?>)
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fun addRenderPhase(phase: ViewRenderPhase)
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open override fun buildDebugComponent(views: Views, container: UiContainer)
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open override fun clone(): View
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open fun copyPropsFrom(source: View)
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fun deferWithViews(block: (views: Views) -> Unit)
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inline fun fastForEachChild(block: (child: View) -> Unit)
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inline fun fastForEachChildRender(block: (child: View) -> Unit)
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open override fun findViewByName(name: String): View?
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inline fun forEachChild(callback: (child: View) -> Unit): Unit?
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inline fun forEachChildren(callback: (child: View) -> Unit): Unit?
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inline fun forEachChildrenReversed(callback: (child: View) -> Unit): Unit?
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inline fun forEachChildrenWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, child: View) -> Unit): Unit?
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inline fun forEachChildReversed(callback: (child: View) -> Unit): Unit?
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inline fun forEachChildWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, child: View) -> Unit): Unit?
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fun <T : Component> forEachComponentOfTypeRecursive(type: ComponentType<T>, temp: FastArrayList<Component>, results: EventResult?, block: (T) -> Unit)
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operator fun get(index: Int): View
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fun getBounds(target: View?, out: Rectangle, doAnchoring: Boolean, inclusive: Boolean, includeFilters: Boolean): Rectangle
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fun getBoundsNoAnchoring(target: View?, out: Rectangle, inclusive: Boolean, includeFilters: Boolean): Rectangle
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fun getChildAt(index: Int): View
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fun getChildAtOrNull(index: Int): View?
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fun getChildByName(name: String): View?
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fun getChildIndex(view: View): Int
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fun getClippingAreaInternal(): Rectangle?
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fun getClippingBounds(ctx: RenderContext, out: Rectangle): Rectangle
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fun getComponentCountInDescendants(clazz: ComponentType<out Component>): Int
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fun <T : Component> getComponentOfTypeRecursive(type: ComponentType<T>, out: FastArrayList<T>, results: EventResult?)
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fun <T : Component> getComponentsOfType(type: ComponentType<T>): FastArrayList<T>?
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fun getConcatMatrix(target: View, out: Matrix, inclusive: Boolean): Matrix
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fun getConcatMatrixAccurateSlow(target: View, out: Matrix, inclusive: Boolean): Matrix
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fun <T : TypedComponent<T>> getFirstComponentOfType(type: ComponentType<T>): T?
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fun getGlobalBounds(out: Rectangle): Rectangle
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fun getGlobalMatrixWithAnchor(out: Matrix): Matrix
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fun getLocalBounds(doAnchoring: Boolean, includeFilters: Boolean): Rectangle
fun getLocalBounds(out: Rectangle, doAnchoring: Boolean, includeFilters: Boolean): Rectangle
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open override fun getLocalBoundsInternal(out: Rectangle)
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fun getLocalBoundsOptimized(includeFilters: Boolean): Rectangle
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fun getLocalBoundsOptimizedAnchored(includeFilters: Boolean): Rectangle
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inline fun <T : ViewRenderPhase> getOrCreateAndAddRenderPhase(create: () -> T): T
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inline fun <T : TypedComponent<T>> getOrCreateComponent(type: ComponentType<T>, gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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inline fun <T : EventComponent> getOrCreateComponentEvent(gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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inline fun <T : GamepadComponent> getOrCreateComponentGamepad(gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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inline fun <T : KeyComponent> getOrCreateComponentKey(gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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inline fun <T : MouseComponent> getOrCreateComponentMouse(gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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inline fun <T : ResizeComponent> getOrCreateComponentResize(gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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inline fun <T : TouchComponent> getOrCreateComponentTouch(gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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inline fun <T : TypedComponent<T>, TR : T> getOrCreateComponentTyped(type: ComponentType<T>, gen: (BaseView) -> TR): TR
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inline fun <T : UpdateComponent> getOrCreateComponentUpdate(gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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inline fun <T : UpdateComponentWithViews> getOrCreateComponentUpdateWithViews(gen: (BaseView) -> T): T
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fun getPosition(out: Point): Point
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inline fun <T : Any> getProp(key: String): T
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fun getPropDouble(key: String, default: Double): Double
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fun getPropInt(key: String, default: Int): Int
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inline fun <T : Any> getPropOrNull(key: String): T?
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fun getPropString(key: String, default: String): String
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inline fun <T : ViewRenderPhase> getRenderPhaseOfTypeOrNull(): T?
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fun getRenderTargetBounds(ctx: RenderContext, out: Rectangle): Rectangle
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fun getWindowBounds(out: Rectangle): Rectangle
fun getWindowBounds(bp: BoundsProvider, out: Rectangle): Rectangle
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fun getWindowBoundsOrNull(out: Rectangle): Rectangle?
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fun globalLocalBoundsPointRatio(anchor: Anchor, out: Point): Point
fun globalLocalBoundsPointRatio(ratioX: Double, ratioY: Double, out: Point): Point
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fun globalToLocal(p: IPoint, out: Point): Point
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fun globalToLocalDX(x0: Double, y0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double): Double
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fun globalToLocalDXY(p0: IPoint, p1: IPoint, out: Point): Point
fun globalToLocalDXY(x0: Double, y0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double, out: Point): Point
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fun globalToLocalDY(x0: Double, y0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double): Double
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fun globalToLocalXY(x: Double, y: Double, out: Point): Point
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fun globalXY(out: Point): Point
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open fun hitTest(x: Double, y: Double, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
fun hitTest(x: Float, y: Float, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
fun hitTest(x: Int, y: Int, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
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open override fun hitTestAny(x: Double, y: Double, direction: HitTestDirection): Boolean
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fun hitTestLocal(x: Double, y: Double, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
fun hitTestLocal(x: Float, y: Float, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
fun hitTestLocal(x: Int, y: Int, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
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fun hitTestShape(shape: Shape2d, matrix: Matrix, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
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fun hitTestView(view: View, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
fun hitTestView(views: List<View>, direction: HitTestDirection): View?
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open override fun invalidate()
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open override fun invalidateColorTransform()
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open override fun invalidateRender()
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fun localMouseX(views: Views): Double
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fun localMouseXY(views: Views, target: Point): Point
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fun localMouseY(views: Views): Double
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fun localToGlobal(p: IPoint, out: Point): Point
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fun localToGlobalXY(x: Double, y: Double, out: Point): Point
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fun localToRender(p: IPoint, out: Point): Point
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fun localToRenderXY(x: Double, y: Double, out: Point): Point
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fun localToWindow(views: Views, p: IPoint, out: Point): Point
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fun localToWindowX(views: Views, x: Double, y: Double): Double
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fun localToWindowXY(views: Views, x: Double, y: Double, out: Point): Point
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fun localToWindowY(views: Views, x: Double, y: Double): Double
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fun localXY(out: Point): Point
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operator fun minusAssign(view: View)
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fun mouseHitTest(x: Double, y: Double): View?
fun mouseHitTest(x: Float, y: Float): View?
fun mouseHitTest(x: Int, y: Int): View?
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open override fun move(direction: Direction)
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fun moveChildrenAt(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int)
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fun moveChildTo(view: View, index: Int)
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open fun onParentChanged()
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operator fun plusAssign(view: View)
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fun removeAllComponentsOfType(type: ComponentType<*>)
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fun removeChild(view: View?): Boolean
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fun removeChildAt(index: Int, count: Int)
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inline fun removeChildrenIf(cond: (index: Int, child: View) -> Boolean): Boolean
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fun removeComponent(component: Component)
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inline fun <T : ViewRenderPhase> removeRenderPhaseOfType()
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override fun render(ctx: RenderContext)
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open fun renderChildrenInternal(ctx: RenderContext)
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open override fun renderDebug(ctx: RenderContext)
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fun renderFirstPhase(ctx: RenderContext)
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fun renderNextPhase(ctx: RenderContext)
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fun renderToLocal(p: IPoint, out: Point): Point
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fun renderToLocalXY(x: Double, y: Double, out: Point): Point
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fun replaceChild(old: View, new: View): Boolean
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inline fun <T : ViewRenderPhase> replaceRenderPhase(create: () -> T)
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open fun reset()
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fun sendChildToBack(view: View)
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fun sendChildToFront(view: View)
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fun setComputedTransform(transform: Matrix.Computed)
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fun setGlobalXY(pos: Point)
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fun setMatrix(matrix: Matrix)
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fun setMatrixInterpolated(ratio: Double, l: Matrix, r: Matrix)
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open fun setSize(width: Double, height: Double)
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open fun setSizeScaled(width: Double, height: Double)
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fun setTransform(transform: Matrix.Transform)
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fun sortChildrenBy(comparator: Comparator<View>)
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fun swapChildren(view1: View, view2: View)
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fun swapChildrenAt(indexA: Int, indexB: Int)
fun swapChildrenAt(indexA: Int, indexB: Int, count: Int)


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var blendMode: BlendMode
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open override val bview: View
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open override val bviewAll: List<View>
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val children: ContainerCollection
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val childrenCollection: ContainerCollection
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val collection: ContainerCollection
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var colorAdd: ColorAdd
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var colorMul: RGBA
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var colorTransform: ColorTransform
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val containerRoot: Container
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open override var extra: ExtraType
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var extraBuildDebugComponent: (views: Views, view: View, container: UiContainer) -> Unit?
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val firstChild: View?
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val globalBounds: Rectangle
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var globalMatrix: Matrix
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val globalMatrixInv: Matrix
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open var height: Double
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open var hitShape: VectorPath?
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open override var hitShape2d: Shape2d
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open var hitShapes: List<VectorPath>?
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var index: Int
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val lastChild: View?
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var localMatrix: Matrix
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open override var moving: Boolean = false
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var name: String?
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var objectCanMove: Boolean = false
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var parent: Container?
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var pos: IPoint
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var posOpt: Point
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var preventMove: Boolean = false
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open var ratio: Double
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val referenceParent: Container?
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val renderBlendMode: BlendMode
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val renderColorAdd: ColorAdd
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val renderColorMul: RGBA
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val renderColorTransform: ColorTransform
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val renderPhases: List<ViewRenderPhase>
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val root: View
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var rotation: Angle
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val size: Int
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var skewX: Angle
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var skewY: Angle
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open val stage: Stage?
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var tint: RGBA
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open var visible: Boolean
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open var width: Double
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val windowBounds: Rectangle
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open override var x: Double
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open override var y: Double
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inline fun Container.block(mainImage: BitmapSlice<Bitmap>, callback: Block.() -> Unit = {}): Block
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inline fun Container.player(mainImage: Array<BitmapSlice<Bitmap>>, callback: Player.() -> Unit = {}): Player


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inline fun Container.wall(mainImage: BitmapSlice<Bitmap>, callback: Wall.() -> Unit = {}): Wall